October 15, 2005


  • I found out about this excellent review of the "Joining Forces" exhibit more than a week after it came out. (I always feel like I am the last to know, oh well!) A friend e-mailed me and in passing mentioned seeing a great article in the paper. I went out the next day and bought the paper but it was too late! It is a weekly and I'd missed the right issue by a couple of days: foiled! Then an envelope arrived from yet another friend who (knowing that I never have any idea what is happening) had clipped the article and sent it to me: saved! Thank goodness for my friends.

    October 6, 2005
    page 15
    Main Line Ticket
    (arts and entertainment section of The Main Line Times)
    A Passion for Portraits
    by Marie Fowler
    "...[Miller's] art reveals an emotional tension, a true insight into personality."

    October 07, 2005


  • The show I am currently in, "Joining Forces", a four-person exhibit at The American College, was recently featured in an article by art writer Linda Dormont in Art Matters, our region's monthly art tabloid. Click here to read it.We actually rated a cover mention or "teaser", and then the article is on page 21.

    "Joining Forces" was also in The Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/18/05, Sunday Neighbors, Main Line edition, Best Bets section. Best Bets is a recommended cultural activity for the week. But I inadvertantly recycled my copy of the paper, duh, so no photo! But here is the text-only on-line article. Note that registration is required, but you can skip the hassle of registering by using BugMeNot.com if you wish.