October 15, 2005


  • I found out about this excellent review of the "Joining Forces" exhibit more than a week after it came out. (I always feel like I am the last to know, oh well!) A friend e-mailed me and in passing mentioned seeing a great article in the paper. I went out the next day and bought the paper but it was too late! It is a weekly and I'd missed the right issue by a couple of days: foiled! Then an envelope arrived from yet another friend who (knowing that I never have any idea what is happening) had clipped the article and sent it to me: saved! Thank goodness for my friends.

    October 6, 2005
    page 15
    Main Line Ticket
    (arts and entertainment section of The Main Line Times)
    A Passion for Portraits
    by Marie Fowler
    "...[Miller's] art reveals an emotional tension, a true insight into personality."